According to our research, pretrial risk assessment tools (RATs) are in use all over the country, in at least one county in almost every state.
Several states use tools developed for statewide use, while in some other states, tools and tool usage vary by county. Some tools have been in place for several years or even decades and are a well-established part of the pretrial system. Other jurisdictions are testing out or piloting pretrial RATs for the first time and still exploring how they will interact with their criminal legal processes.
Learn more and try our interactive map in the Where are Risk Assessments Being Used? section.
Our database, available for download here, tracks the use of pretrial RATs in over 1000 counties across the United States.
Explore how many jurisdictions use national tools, state tools, and county tools in the How Many Jurisdictions Use Each Tool? section.
Track the state laws allowing or requiring use of tools in the State Laws on RATs section.