PJI’s New Anti-RAT Report

Pretrial Justice Institute releases a report detailing arguments against the use of risk assessments. “In 2020, after an extensive period of reflection, the Pretrial Justice Institute released a statement opposing RAIs. First and foremost, that position was driven by a strengthening commitment to racial equity and a conviction that the tools do not adequately address … Continued

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The CA Debate: Cash Bail vs RATs

Reform advocates argue whether to keep cash bail or implement risk assessments. “The movement to eradicate bail from America’s justice system will face a crucial test Nov. 3, when California voters will decide whether to end the centuries-old practice of trading money for freedom and replace it with algorithms that try to predict whether defendants … Continued

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Anti-Black bias in CPAT

New study finds Colorado pretrial tool widens racial disparities in jails. “A July study by the University of Northern Colorado found that the most widely used risk assessment tool in Colorado, known as the Colorado Pretrial Assessment Tool, or CPAT, scored Black people higher than white people even though their odds of missing a court … Continued

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Bail Reform Tool Replicates Bias

Intercept article examines impact of RATs in Kentucky. “As community bail funds across the country received an outpouring of donations to release thousands of people arrested during anti-police brutality protests in the wake of George Floyd’s killing, the underlying inequities of bail reform measures are getting a closer look. Criminal justice reform advocates have raised the alarm about … Continued

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Ohio Judges Block Requirement for RATs

Judges in Ohio rejected a proposed requirement for RATs. The ACLU of Ohio took a strong stance against the use of RATs, stating that “Risk assessment instruments have not been shown to fix bias in pretrial decision-making, even as a supplement to decisions made by judges.” This statement had an impact on the Ohio Supreme … Continued

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Pretrial Justice Institute: No RATs

Pretrial Justice Institute shifts position on pretrial RATs. Pretrial Justice Institute (PJI), a key organization fighting nationally for pretrial justice, recently shifted its position on pretrial risk assessment tools. PJI had previously supported jurisdictions in reforming their pretrial systems, including the use of risk assessment tools. However, on February 7, they stated: “We now see … Continued

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Appeal article showcases database

Our website is featured in an article by The Appeal. The Appeal showcased Mapping Pretrial Injustice in their article entitled “New Data Suggests Risk Assessment Tools Have Little Impact on Pretrial Incarceration.” The article focused on the findings of our research and the launch of our database and this website. The authors focused on how … Continued

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Research featured in New York Times

Mapping Pretrial Injustice highlighted in New York Times article. Our website was featured in “An Algorithm That Grants Freedom, or Takes It Away,” a New York Times article about the impacts of algorithms in key decision-making contexts. The article highlighted Mapping Pretrial Injustice as a national database of pretrial tools in its argument about how … Continued

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Webinar is up!

Our webinar is now available! The recording of our webinar detailing this site is now available on our Webinar page. Watch the webinar that launched the website on February 6, 2020, co-hosted by Movement Alliance Project and MediaJustice. The webinar gives an overview of pretrial risk assessments, highlights key findings from our research, and walks … Continued

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